Men looked with wonder and questioning, and having observed Amun's masterpiece, wanted to create things for themselves
The end of becoming is the beginning of destruction. The end of destruction is the beginning of becoming
The differences in character of the pharaohs are not determined by the nature of their souls, for all kingly souls are godlike, but by the gods themselves.
The celestial powers known by thought alone, are called the gods, and they preside over the world
When the creator, Amun, made the second god which is the cosmos he was pleased. His creation was beautiful and wholly filled with goodness, and he loved it like his child
The lawgivers introduced the mighty god of oaths as founder of pledges and good faith, and so filled the world with justice
The cosmos is the son of Amun. Man is the son of the cosmos. And therefore the grandson of Amun
To simply love Amun in thought with singleness of heart and to follow the goodness of his will
Amun is first, the cosmos is second and man is third
Egypt is an image of the heavens, and the whole cosmos dwells in this its sanctuary